Thursday, November 10, 2011

{Half of the Cousins} Halloween Party!

This year we had a Halloween party with Crystal's family and then went Trick or Treating together.  {For the first time.}

{Some of our Halloween Cousin Party food} 

Mummy Fingers

Zombie Booger dip

Eery  fingers coming to get you!

Mummy Dogs

Yumm!  That was good!
Our little Carter Mummy.


Hunter and Ben {Werewolves}

Grace and Kaitlynne



And not to be out done, Cat Woman and Medusa

{Our kids dressed up for their Trunk or Treat at their school.}

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Reese's Birthday

Reese turned 3 this year!  His is such an amazing fun guy!  He loves his blanky Grandma Sally made for him when he was born.  We've never had any of our kids attached to their blanket like him.  He calls it his "gibby".  The other day he told me that his Gibby loves him!  He talks about every thing he is going to do when he's a dad.  Drive the car, cook, paint the house, anything he can't do now he is looking forward to being able to do it when he is "a dad".
Birthday Boy!

Happy birthday brother!

Reese and his big brother

Reese and his Gibby

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Our 10th Anniversary

This year Brian and I celebrated our 10th anniversary!  We wanted to do something special, but a cruise or a trip to Hawaii just wasn't in our budget this year.  So we had a special date at home after the kids went to bed.  It was a great evening, nice and relaxing, and the food tasted so good!

Romantic rose petals on the bed

Our fruit and sparkling apple juice for two,
at our candle lit table.

Our little cake I bought.  I told her what our wedding
 colors had been, she made it look so nice!
Also, the only thing better than butter cream icing is,
 frozen butter cream icing!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Audrey is 6!

Audrey turned 6 this year!  Since her birthday is in September, she was suppose to start in kindergarten this year.  But since she is so smart they let her go into first grade!  She loves school and is at the top of her class!

All About Audrey 2011
1. What is your favorite color? The rainbow colors and pink and purple
2. What is your favorite toy? My dolls, my Webkinz, and the bear that Grandpa gave me.
3. What is your favorite fruit? Pears, apples and bananas
4. What is your favorite tv show? Aang the Avatar 
5. What is your favorite Dinner? Pizza
6. What is your favorite Breakfast? Pancakes

7. What is your favorite outfit? My flower shirt and my boots and my soccer pants
8. What is your favorite game? Monopoly
9. What is your favorite snack? Cheese and sticks
10. What is your favorite animal? Pegasus 
11. What is your favorite song? Alvin and the Chipmunks song
12. What is your favorite book? Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see
13. What is your favorite job? Helping Carter
14. What is your least favorite job? Cleaning the yard
15. What is your favorite thing to do/play? Play on Webkinz
16. What is your favorite sport? Soccer
17.Who is your best friend? Julia
18. What is your favorite cereal? Marshmallow Maities
19. What is your favorite drink? Soda
20. What do you want to be when you grow up? A modest fashion model and a mom

She bring so much love into our family!

Thursday, September 1, 2011


The past two days have been deliciously chilly and overcast and beautiful!  The leaves are changing and it if finally fall!

So this year, after a lot of thinking and praying, we decided to send the kids to "public" instead of homeschooling.  I was a big decision for us, one we didn't take lightly!  After 2 months though, we still feel like it was the right choice.  The kids love school!  They are all doing really well, Hunter got an A on his last math test. I is different for me only having the three little ones at home, but it is nice for them to get a little more one on one with them.  We sure do miss the big kids and everyone is always excited when they get home.

First day of school!

Nursing School is going great for Brian, and he is really enjoying it! He passed his first class with a "B". It is so cool to listen to him talk about all the things he's learning.  And the kids love for him to listen to them with his stethoscope.

"Murse Brian"
Wants to be like Dad!
Last month Hunter played on football.  He had a great time and learned a lot.  We had a hard time getting him to be aggressive on the field though, he might be ornery to his sisters, but at heart he is really a sensitive kid.

 Keep scrolling for more pictures from this summer!

We decided to get a dog this summer,
it only lasted almost a week though.
We just aren't dog people.

We named him Marley

Mailea and Reese

At the zoo

Playing outside in the rain.

 Playing on the slip "n" slide the kids made themselves.

Hunter working on the stairs for our deck
Strawberry Nesquik anyone?

Reese grilliin' up some lunch

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Where has the year gone???

7 Months since my last update...  A lot to catch up on so we will highlight everything in order of when they happened.  Here we go....

This year for Christmas we stayed home instead of going to families houses.  It was kind of nice to be a little more relaxed at home.
Stockings are SO exciting!

Not everyone was ready to be awake.

Hunter turned 8 in January and he was baptized.  It was such a special day for our family.  His cousin Ben is only 20 days younger, so we waited just a bit and on January 22nd  Hunter and Ben were able to get baptized together.

This year Brian turned 31, and I can't believe that I don't have a picture of him on his birthday.  But this one was taken 2 days before so I will use it (not to mention I would love a reason to post it :)

Kait's birthday is in March, and she turned 7 this year. She is so responsible, she helps so much around the house and with her younger brothers and sisters!  She's got a book from Grandma called "Little Mommy", it's her go-to guide, she loves her baby dolls!

This Spring we signed our two older girls up for soccer.  They had so much fun!  Audrey loved being a forward and scored a couple of goals, and Kaitlynne loved defense and is a great goalie!

Brian isn't the only one who turned 31 this year... I wrote "30" on my cake... maybe it's time to start lying about my age...

 I always wait until our kids 1st birthday to give them their first hair cut, but Carter got his two months early because it was just getting too long.
We went from baby toupee hair...

To handsome big boy hair

Here is all that I cut off!

Mailea's birthday was in June, she's 4 now.  It's a little sad for us that she's our baby girl and she growing up so fast!  We asked her if she could just stay three, but she just grinned her classic "Mailea" grin!

She wanted Dora jammies more than anything!

Our baby boy turned 1 this month!  He's walking and mimicking so much of what we say.  He loved his birthday cake and ice cream cone, opening presents got a little intense.

Ice cream makes anyone feel better!

July was especially busy for us.  The first part of the month Sarah's family stopped over for a few days and we all had a whirlwind of fun.  It's always so great for the kids to spend time with their cousins.

Then a few days later  Brian's dad flew out for 6 days.  Layne hired a photographer to take family pictures,  so all 30 of us met at the park at 8 am.  They turned out great, we got some really nice photos.  The kids loved spending time with Grandpa Layne!  Definitely some wonderful memories made this summer!

Some where in all of this we decided that instead of Brian becoming a Respiratory Therapist he would get his degree in Nursing.  He got into the program and starts the end of August.  We are excited!  Two years and he will have his RN, then while he is working, he can work on getting his bachelors.

I think that is enough updating for one post.  I'm going to have to add a few more pictures as I find them :S
But it has been a great year so far!  Heavenly Father is blessing us for sure!  I don't think we could be happier!