Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Where has the year gone???

7 Months since my last update...  A lot to catch up on so we will highlight everything in order of when they happened.  Here we go....

This year for Christmas we stayed home instead of going to families houses.  It was kind of nice to be a little more relaxed at home.
Stockings are SO exciting!

Not everyone was ready to be awake.

Hunter turned 8 in January and he was baptized.  It was such a special day for our family.  His cousin Ben is only 20 days younger, so we waited just a bit and on January 22nd  Hunter and Ben were able to get baptized together.

This year Brian turned 31, and I can't believe that I don't have a picture of him on his birthday.  But this one was taken 2 days before so I will use it (not to mention I would love a reason to post it :)

Kait's birthday is in March, and she turned 7 this year. She is so responsible, she helps so much around the house and with her younger brothers and sisters!  She's got a book from Grandma called "Little Mommy", it's her go-to guide, she loves her baby dolls!

This Spring we signed our two older girls up for soccer.  They had so much fun!  Audrey loved being a forward and scored a couple of goals, and Kaitlynne loved defense and is a great goalie!

Brian isn't the only one who turned 31 this year... I wrote "30" on my cake... maybe it's time to start lying about my age...

 I always wait until our kids 1st birthday to give them their first hair cut, but Carter got his two months early because it was just getting too long.
We went from baby toupee hair...

To handsome big boy hair

Here is all that I cut off!

Mailea's birthday was in June, she's 4 now.  It's a little sad for us that she's our baby girl and she growing up so fast!  We asked her if she could just stay three, but she just grinned her classic "Mailea" grin!

She wanted Dora jammies more than anything!

Our baby boy turned 1 this month!  He's walking and mimicking so much of what we say.  He loved his birthday cake and ice cream cone, opening presents got a little intense.

Ice cream makes anyone feel better!

July was especially busy for us.  The first part of the month Sarah's family stopped over for a few days and we all had a whirlwind of fun.  It's always so great for the kids to spend time with their cousins.

Then a few days later  Brian's dad flew out for 6 days.  Layne hired a photographer to take family pictures,  so all 30 of us met at the park at 8 am.  They turned out great, we got some really nice photos.  The kids loved spending time with Grandpa Layne!  Definitely some wonderful memories made this summer!

Some where in all of this we decided that instead of Brian becoming a Respiratory Therapist he would get his degree in Nursing.  He got into the program and starts the end of August.  We are excited!  Two years and he will have his RN, then while he is working, he can work on getting his bachelors.

I think that is enough updating for one post.  I'm going to have to add a few more pictures as I find them :S
But it has been a great year so far!  Heavenly Father is blessing us for sure!  I don't think we could be happier!